Cirebon, W Java (ANTARA) - The Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) of Cirebon swung into action after receiving reports of a leopard sighting in Gunungmanik Village, Kuningan District, West Java, to prevent a conflict between residents and the wild animal.

"On Tuesday evening (July 9, 2024), we received a report of a leopard appearing in Gunungmanik Village," Selamet Priambodo, head of the Cirebon BKSDA, said.

The BKSDA promptly launched an investigation and examined footprints and video footage of the animal. The evidence indicated that the animal had wandered near the village.

"Based on information and visual evidence, there are indeed leopard tracks and confirmed sightings of the animal," he said.

To ensure the safety of both the leopard and the community, the BKSDA took several countermeasures.

It coordinated with the Gunungmanik village head and local police to urge residents to minimize night-time outdoor activities.

"We're on standby with the police, TNI (Indonesian military), and the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD). We're equipped with firecrackers to scare the leopard away if it reappears," Priambodo informed.

He added that BKSDA will use cage traps and tranquilizer darts, if there are further leopard sightings.

"While we haven't seen the leopard in Gunungmanik since the initial report. However, residents of Selajambe (sub-district), Kuningan, reported sightings at three different locations. We'll be investigating those reports as well," he said.

Meanwhile, Juhari, the head of Gunungmanik village, said that the leopard chased two residents and approached a residential area on Tuesday.

As a precaution, the West Java BKSDA traced the leopard's tracks and provided villagers with firecrackers to deter it.

"We're conducting patrols to ensure resident safety. We're worried because the leopard seems to be getting closer to homes," Jauhari added.

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Translator: Aditya Eko Sigit Wicaksono
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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