The Indonesian government decided to establish the task force in response to the shuttering of some textile businesses and complaints from domestic business actors regarding the excessive circulation of illegally imported goods whose selling prices a
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The newly established task force for surveillance of certain imported commodities has been tasked with monitoring importers and distributors rather than retailers, according to Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan.

"It should also be noted that we formed the task force to oversee the circulation of only certain commodities instead of all products," he said at a press conference after announcing the formation of the task force in Jakarta on Friday.

Certain commodities refer to textiles, textile products, clothes, ceramics, electronics, footwear, and cosmetics.

Minister Hasan launched the task force by issuing Trade Minister's Regulation No. 932 of 2024

The task force comprises officials from the Trade Ministry, Finance Ministry, Industry Ministry, Law and Human Rights Ministry, Attorney General's Office, State Intelligence Agency (BIN), Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), Maritime Security Agency (Bakamla), Navy, Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin), and regional governments.

The Indonesian government decided to establish the task force in response to the shuttering of some textile businesses and complaints from domestic business actors regarding the excessive circulation of illegally imported goods whose selling prices are far below average.

With the end goal of assisting the government in formulating strategic steps to deal with the issue, the task force will carry out several duties, including collecting data on problems related to the determined commodities.

Furthermore, the task force has been mandated to designate program objectives and work procedures, inspect requisite documents related to certain commodities, provide clarifications to business players on alleged violations, and take legal action against associated illegal practices.

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Translator: Aji C, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Arie Novarina
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