Jayapura (ANTARA) - Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Minister Bintang Puspayoga is scheduled to discuss the formulation of a legal basis for Papuan women and children's protection while commemorating 2024 National Children's Day in Jayapura, Papua.

Head of the Jayapura District PPPA Office Miryam Soumilena stated in Jayapura on Sunday that the minister would visit Papua province at the invitation of the Papuan People's Council (MRP).

According to her, Puspayoga would hold a meeting with MRP representatives and several local leaders, including Papua Acting Governor Muhammad Rumasukun, after landing at Sentani Airport on Monday (July 22).

The meeting would focus on the future of Papuan women and children and ways to assist them in navigating the current era of rapid changes, she added.

Soumilena further said that the MRP is aiming to devise a legal instrument that will guarantee a higher level of safety and protection for women and children in Papua.

"We all know that people in Papua adhere to harsh customs that allow a man to do whatever he pleases to his bride after a dowry has been paid," she noted.

On that note, she stated that the MRP, as a representative body of Papuan people, is seeking ways to devise a legal basis that protects the rights Papuan women and children are entitled to.

"In addition to discussing the expected legal basis for women and children's protection, the meeting will also touch upon matters related to empowerment and childhood stunting cases in Papua," she remarked.

Earlier, it was also revealed that President Joko Widodo will fly to Papua to open the peak commemorative event of 40th National Children's Day that will take place at Papua Bangkit Stadium in Jayapura District on Tuesday (July 23).

Chairperson of the event's regional committee Christian Solihait on Saturday (July 20) informed that the president and his entourage would be welcomed by 1,000 children outside the stadium. In total, 7,000 children will be involved during the national event.

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Translator: Yudhi E, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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