Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Finance Ministry's Directorate General of Customs and Excise refuted any plans to impose an excise on concert tickets or smartphones.

Director General Askolani stated that the "plan" was merely presented as an example by an agency director at a public lecture and should not be misinterpreted as a proposal that will be carried forward for implementation.

"It has no connection with any short- or middle-term plans for several years to come," he clarified here on Thursday.

In line with Askolani's statement, the agency's communications and user guidance director, Nirwala Dwi Heriyanto, emphasized that there is no plan to impose an excise on the two products.

"Although some parties proposed expanding the excise coverage, it has not been seriously studied," he remarked.

The director explained that based on the current regulation, excise is imposed only on ethyl alcohol or ethanol, alcoholic beverages, and tobacco products, for which circulation and consumption require restriction and control.

Optimizing the state revenue by expanding the excise coverage requires rigorous steps before its implementation. Public input on the proposal is also taken into account, he stated.

"The process started from presenting the plan to the parliament, determining the revenue target in a budget meeting with the parliament, and drafting a government regulation to provide its legal basis," he remarked.

Heriyanto emphasized that the government continues to exercise prudence in imposing excise on products, adding that the excise on sweetened beverages and plastics has not been implemented despite its revenue target being included in the state budget.

"The government considers various aspects, from the economy, national industry, health, and environment conditions," Heriyanto stated.

During the public lecture on excise revenue potentials to students of the State College of Accountancy (PKN STAN), the agency's technical and facility affairs director, Iyan Rubiyanto, highlighted revenue potentials from imposing excise on concert tickets and smartphones.

He stated that while an excise on concert tickets will generate revenue for the government due to the residents' enthusiasm over musical concerts, an excise on smartphones remains controversial due to the lack of basis to impose the tax.

Related news: Government proposes excise tax on sugary drinks

Related news: Tobacco tax increase to help control cigarette consumption: minister

Translator: Imamatul Silfia, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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