Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Jakarta government has signed an agreement with the European Union National Institute for Culture (EUNIC) Cluster Indonesia and the Indonesia Hidden Heritage Creative Hub (IHHCH) to develop the role and function of museums.

Iwan Henry Wardhana, the Jakarta Culture Office's head, stated on Friday that the development efforts were carried out through research and the development of museum and history activities.

Wardhana added that efforts are also underway to increase the capacity of human resources for museum managers, marketing, and building partnerships with stakeholders.

"We hope that this collaboration will drive the progress of museum and history activities in Jakarta," Wardhana said.

The Jakarta Culture Office, IHHCH, and EUNIC Cluster Indonesia support efforts to advance culture and develop museums in Jakarta that meet international standards.

"This collaboration is also part of strengthening Jakarta as a global city," he remarked.

In addition to the agreement, a partnership is also established by the Jakarta government and the Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

The ICOM committee consists of the International Committee for Museum Management (INTERCOM) and the International Council of Museums' International Committee of Marketing and Public Relations (MPR).

Furthermore, the International Committee for the Training of Personnel (ICTOP) and the International Committee for Money and Banking Museums (ICOMON) will present the "International Best Practice on Museums and Heritage Sites Museum Forward" on September 23-26.

The international forum will bring together more than 25 museum and cultural heritage practitioners from within the country and internationally, such as those from the Louvre Abu Dhabi Museum, the Prado Museum in Spain, and the M+ Museum in Hong Kong.

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Translator: Lifia Mawaddah Putri, Cindy Frishanti Octavia
Editor: Anton Santoso
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