Biak Numfor, Papua (ANTARA) - The Communication and Informatics (Ministry) organized a digital business training activity for 200 young entrepreneurs in Biak Numfor District, Papua Province, under the Digital Entrepreneurship Academy (DEA) initiative.

"This digital entrepreneurship training is expected to make entrepreneurial activities faster, more affordable, and more convenient," Djunaidy Aspan, a representative of the Kominfo Ministry's Center for Human Resource Development and Training, stated in Biak Numfor on Friday.

He remarked that the business digitization training was intended to create opportunities for local business players to collaborate with potential business partners.

Aspan believes that digitizing their businesses will allow entrepreneurs to market their products more effectively.

"Digital technologies provide entrepreneurs with a wide range of conveniences," he noted while adding that the training activity was also held to prepare Papuan entrepreneurs to adapt to Industry 4.0.

Meanwhile, Assistant 1 of Biak Numfor Regional Secretary, Semuel Rumaikeuw, remarked that the digital business training offered by the central government could help Papuan business players expand their market reach by utilizing the digital space.

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He expressed confidence about the training activity resulting in a boost in the income of local micro, small, and medium enterprises in the near future.

"The Biak Numfor district government hopes that the number of participants will remain 200 at the end of this training activity," he remarked on behalf of Biak Numfor District Head, Sofia Bonsapia.

Earlier, on Thursday (August 1), President Joko Widodo underscored the need for Indonesia to make the most of its digital economy sector having a vast potential in order to navigate global economic uncertainties.

Speaking at the Indonesian Digital Finance Economy Festival 2024 in Jakarta, the president underlined that the value of Indonesia's digital economy sector would continue to grow.

"I have repeatedly conveyed about Indonesia's potential digital opportunities in the future. (Our) digital economy will grow fourfold by 2030, reaching around US$210 billion to US$360 billion," he stated.

Related news: Challenges to digital literacy in Papua gradually resolved: ministry

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Translator: Muhsidin, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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