Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) keeps bolstering financial inclusion in rural areas through the Inclusive Financial Ecosystem (EKI) program that aims to improve people's welfare.

"The key to national economic growth is the strength of domestic potential, namely regional economic growth," said Mahendra Siregar, Chairman of OJK's Board of Commissioners, on Sunday.

The National Council for Finance Inclusion (DNKI) reported that financial inclusion increased to 88.7 percent in 2023, a slight increase from 88 percent in 2022.

The EKI program has been implemented in 44 rural areas by involving the Regional Financial Access Acceleration Team (TPAKD) and financial service institutions.

The EKI program consists of a financial literacy program through training and education for village officials and communities, as well as facilitation for the use of QR Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) as a payment system.

With EKI, more than eight thousand saving accounts have been opened, and at least 1,500 debtors can obtain financing.

One of the regions where EKI is implemented is Dolokgede village in Bojonegoro, East Java.

The EKI program in Dolokgede is implemented until December this year. It involves micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), farmers, livestock breeders, women, employees, and students.

The program activities include three stages of village optimization: pre-incubation, incubation, and post-incubation.

The pre-incubation stage is the identification and mapping of village potential. From this process, it was found that Dolokgede has the educational-sports potential.

In the second stage, villagers will get mentoring, social empowerment, and financial education.

After completing the program, village residents are expected to be able to use financial products easily to support their businesses in order to support their welfare.

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Translator: Martha S, Kenzu
Editor: Anton Santoso
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