We will find out how our citizens got recruited. Whether they were deceived or consciously involved in the network.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) is investigating the motives of more than 100 Indonesian citizens involved in narcotics cases abroad in order to uncover their networks.

"We will find out how our citizens got recruited. Whether they were deceived or consciously involved in the network. We are currently investigating this," the head of BNN, Commissioner General Marthinus Hukom, informed at a press conference on Monday.

He also met with Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi to propose several joint efforts to tackle the phenomenon, including a planned meeting between the BNN and Indonesian embassies.

According to Hukom, the meeting will be held virtually with the Indonesian embassies of all countries where Indonesian nationals have been named in narcotics crimes to discuss the citizens' association with international syndicates.

He did not deny that the involvement of Indonesian citizens in international drug syndicates has been a phenomenon for a long time, even before he became BNN head.

Hukom said that the agency receives reports almost every month from the Foreign Affairs Ministry, especially Indonesian embassies, regarding the involvement of Indonesian nationals in narcotics crimes in various countries.

"They are currently being detained and processed in several countries," he informed.

He said that after he took over as BNN head in December 2023, the agency recorded the arrests of around 11 Indonesian citizens abroad in narcotics cases, with four nationals arrested in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; five in India; and two in Brazil.

The legal protection for the Indonesian citizens is the responsibility of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, while BNN is responsible for uncovering their links with international syndicate networks.

"We have taken steps together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because these cases are abroad, so we need coordination with related parties," he added.

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Translator: Agatha Olivia, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Arie Novarina
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