Jakarta (ANTARA) - The government on Tuesday discussed the post-COVID-19 utilization of Wisma Atlet in Kemayoran, North Jakarta, which served as an emergency hospital during the pandemic.

The discussion was held by Minister of State Secretary, Pratikno; Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati; and Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono, in Jakarta on Tuesday.

"The State Secretary Ministry invited Minister Mulyani and Minister Hadimuljono to discuss the future of Wisma Atlet's utilization," Pratikno informed.

After the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Wisma Atlet Kemayoran has been used for various purposes. Therefore, a policy is needed to determine its permanent future use, he said.

Meanwhile, Indrawati said that Wisma Atlet was initially built for the Asian Games, and later, it was used as an emergency hospital and isolation facility during the pandemic.

After the pandemic, a policy for Wisma Atlet is needed so that the state asset does not become an additional burden.

"A new presidential instruction will be designed to utilize the asset to bring positive impact on economic activities around or in Jakarta and has a public function as well," she informed.

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She said that the presidential instruction is being devised to balance the benefits of the asset with various dimensions, especially the cost aspect since it has 10 towers.

The presidential instruction regarding the utilization of Wisma Atlet will be issued this week.

In the future, Wisma Atlet will be used for commercial activities, as housing for state civil servants (ASN), and as a location for national events, she informed.

"The management will be carried out by the Public Service Agency (BLU) under the Ministry of State Secretariat, similar to the Gelora Bung Karno. It can be used for events," she added.

Meanwhile, Minister Hadimuljono said that Wisma Atlet will be renovated soon.

"It will be renovated and the utilization will be managed by the Minister of Finance and the State Secretariat," he disclosed.

Related news: Expect Wisma Atlet to be reference for disaster handling: BNPB

Translator: Rangga Pandu A J, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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