Jakarta (ANTARA) - Deputy Health Minister Dante Saksono Harbuwono underscored the importance of university students possessing the crucial skill of adaptation to be able to maintain their mental health while pursuing higher education.

In a statement received here on Wednesday, Harbuwono stated that tertiary education has fast-paced dynamics, and the demand for adaptation is one factor that leads to a decline in mental health among students. He delivered the statement while welcoming new students at the University of Indonesia.

Referring to Darwin's theory, the deputy minister affirmed that adaptation is important, as those who adapt the best survive and not necessarily the smartest or strongest ones.

Harbuwono shed light on the W curve, which depicts the state of new students' psychological changes.

"Generally, new students will experience the W Curve, beginning with the honeymoon phase, culture shock, early adaptation, mental isolation, and then acceptance and integration," he explained.

He pointed out that university students' age range, which is 18-22, is often referred to as a time when they are seeking an identity and facing situations replete with challenges and influences that will shape their mental condition.

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Hence, the deputy minister affirmed that understanding the importance of maintaining mental health is paramount to ensuring that their studies go smoothly. He remarked that good mental health will improve academic performance, quality of life, and social life.

He also told the students to manage their stress by recognizing the signs of stress, engaging in relaxing activities, being involved in physical activities, and sharing their problems with their friends and family members or by consulting professionals.

In the same statement, director general of tertiary education, research, and technology at the Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry Abdul Haris stated that the current challenge is the high number of educated people who are unemployed.

He pointed out that some 945,413 people, or 11.8 percent of the total graduates, are unemployed.

Haris stated that with the advent of automation and artificial intelligence, among others, earlier unconceivable things will become more common. Hence, he underscored the need for new students to remain adaptive in order to survive.

Related news: Supporting young generation's mental health for Golden Indonesia 2045

Reporter: Mecca Yumna Ning Prisie
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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