Nusantara Capital City (ANTARA) - The Communication and Informatics (Kominfo) Ministry has said that the Nusantara capital city (IKN) can become a catalyst for closing the development gap between western and eastern Indonesia. Director General of Public Information and Communication at the ministry Usman Kansong made the statement while accompanying some national and local media news directors to a tour of IKN Nusantara.

During the tour, the group observed Nusantara's readiness to hold the 79th Independence Day commemoration on August 17, 2024.

"We want to assure the editors-in-chief that IKN is not only about capital transfer, but a real action to realize a more just and prosperous Indonesia," Kansong said.

He added that Nusantara will be developed step-by-step until 2045.

"The readiness for the Independence Day ceremony on August 17 is part of the stages. Right now, the focus is to fulfill the basic needs for the ceremony and the ceremonial square feasibility," he informed.

He affirmed that Nusantara is being designed as a new economic growth center that will support equitable development throughout the country.

"IKN will become the epicenter of Indonesia-centric development that aims to reduce the development gap between the western and eastern (regions)," he said.

Nusantara's smart forest city concept is also expected to improve the quality of people's lives. It aims to become a model for future sustainable city.

Kansong said he is optimistic that IKN's development will create an efficient and effective bureaucracy.

The tour on Wednesday included the Presidential Palace, which is called Garuda Palace. Kansong said that the palace is a tangible form of the Indonesian people's work.

"Garuda is the symbol of our national pride. This palace has been constructed by our own people," he added.

He expressed the hope that the media directors' visit would offer a more clear image of IKN's development, and that accurate information about the capital city would be disseminated to the wider public.

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Translator: Ahmad R, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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