Samarinda (ANTARA) - The East Kalimantan Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), in cooperation with the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), is intensively conducting cloud seeding operations ahead of Indonesia's 79th Independence anniversary on August 17 in Nusantara.

"In addition to Balikpapan Airport, weather modification operations have been partially carried out at Samarinda Airport, with the aim of accelerating the development of Nusantara and minimizing the potential for hydrometeorological disasters in the region," Head of the East Kalimantan BPBD Agus Tianur stated in Samarinda, Wednesday.

He explained that weather modification operations were carried out intensively for 24 hours every day. Aircraft were used to conduct cloud seeding by stimulating existing clouds by injecting them with particles of sodium chloride (NaCl) to trigger rain and using quicklime, which reacts vigorously with water, releasing a large amount of heat into the atmosphere.

"We want to ensure that the weather supports the implementation of various activities, especially the ceremony to commemorate the 79th Indonesian Independence Day in Nusantara," he remarked.

In addition, Tianur remarked that based on strategic considerations, weather modification operations were carried out at Balikpapan Airport and Samarinda Airport, each flying two aircraft.

"The two posts are quite strategic to reach a wider area, especially Nusantara," he remarked.

In addition to supporting the development of Nusantara, weather modification operations are carried out to anticipate floods.

"We have made various preparations, including joint patrols, with related agencies and disaster response villages," he noted.

"Although we are carrying out weather modification operations, the public must remain vigilant against changes in the weather. This is only a mitigation effort. The public must remain prepared to face all possibilities," Tianur stated.

Related news: BNPB continues weather modification around Nusantara's buffer zones
Related news: Weather modification supporting construction work at IKN: BNPB

Translator: Ahmad Rifandi, Yashinta Difa Pramudyani
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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