Jakarta (ANTARA) - Local communities will be prioritized for invitations to Indonesia's Independence Day ceremony on August 17 in Nusantara, the country's new capital in East Kalimantan, an official said.

"In accordance with the President's direction, communities around Nusantara should be the main priority. Thus, we will invite community leaders, religious leaders, and cultural leaders," said Yusuf Permana, a press official at the Presidential Secretariat on Thursday.

He expressed hope that the communities would feel a sense of closeness with Nusantara, adding that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) also invites people to embrace the future in Nusantara together.

Permana said that preparations for the Seconds of Proclamation ceremony are so far progressing well according to plan.

He stated that this year's Independence Day ceremony would be historic for the Indonesian nation as the Seconds of Proclamation would take place at two different locations: Nusantara and Jakarta.

President Jokowi will lead the ceremony in Nusantara, while Vice President Ma'ruf Amin will lead the one in Jakarta.

Related news: Densus 88 detects no terror threats ahead of Independence Day
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Translator: Rangga Pandu, Raka Adji
Editor: Anton Santoso
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