"We can get this recognition at the Southeast Asian level due to our transformation and hard work. We will continue to encourage SOEs to become a locomotive of national economic growth,"
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Four state-owned enterprises (SOEs) are now globally recognized due to the transformation efforts carried out by them, according to State-Owned Enterprises Minister Erick Thohir.

The four SOEs—Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), Bank Mandiri, state-run telecommunications company Telkomsel, and Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI)—have been listed in the Top 30 Most Valuable Southeast Asian Brands 2024 by Kantar BrandZ.

"Thank God, four SOEs have received recognition from a leading global company in the field of marketing and data analytics, Kantar," Thohir said in a post on his Instagram account on Tuesday.

He added that this global recognition would not have been possible without the companies' transformation and hard work.

He affirmed that he will continue to encourage SOEs to become the driving force of national economic growth.

"We can get this recognition at the Southeast Asian level due to our transformation and hard work. We will continue to encourage SOEs to become a locomotive of national economic growth," he added.

Kantar's 30 Most Valuable Southeast Asian Brands in 2024 lists 30 Southeast Asian companies with a total brand value of US$131.1 billion. Indonesian companies dominate the list, accounting for 46 percent of the total companies.

Of the 30 companies, eight are from Indonesia, and four of the eight are SOEs.

Earlier, during a working meeting with the House of Representatives, Minister Thohir said that the current assets of SOEs increased from Rp8,312 trillion (US$524 million) in 2020 to Rp10,402 trillion (US$656 million) in 2023.

The SOEs Ministry has 88 strategic projects, of which, 92 percent, or 81 projects, have been completed.

"We strengthened governance and risk management. We carried out mapping on how many we can complete, which amounted to 88 projects," he said on August 3, 2024.

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Translator: Maria P, Kenzu
Editor: Arie Novarina
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