Jakarta (ANTARA) - Vice President Ma'ruf Amin has called for improving health services for the public by providing medical equipment and optimizing health workers.

"The health service is demanded to be more by the public. Sometimes, the patients can be critical," he said while receiving outstanding health workers at the VP Palace here on Thursday.

He noted that the coverage of the National Health Insurance-Health Indonesia Card (JKN-KIS) has reached 98 percent of the population.

However, he said, health services for the public must be improved.

"We need to provide better services as we are considered to have implemented the JKN successfully. Its (coverage) has reached 98 percent, and obtained awards from international institutions," he added.

To achieve that end, the VP asked the Health Ministry to provide health equipment to regions.

"The minister has prepared the tools, which will be distributed to regions," he informed.

He also asked that the role of local health centers (puskesmas) be maximized not only in terms of treatment, but also in disease prevention and handling.

"There is a shortage of doctors. We cannot produce doctors in one to two years. That way, health workers need to work more optimally," he said.

Related to the shortage of doctors, the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) earlier said that the addition of 12 thousand new general practitioners per year could help tackle the shortage of doctors in regions.

However, in reality, 70 percent of doctors are still concentrated in Java island.

Therefore, IDI chairperson Adib Khumaidi advised regional governments to identify the need for doctors and health workers in their respective regions, while also making efforts to fulfill the shortage with assistance from the central government.

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Translator: Benardy F, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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