Jakarta (ANTARA) - Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi underscored the need to continue making adjustments to regulations governing the Indonesian railway sector to adapt to developments in transportation technologies.

"We have continued to study the existing regulations to ensure that they remain relevant to technological developments. That way, we seek to create an ecosystem suitable for this sector to grow," he remarked in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Speaking at a technical coordination meeting held by the Transportation Ministry's Directorate General of Railway, Sumadi stated that the ministry had been striving to carry out the mandates put forward by Law No. 23 of 2007 to realize an inclusive, open, and highly competitive railway sector.

In his speech, the minister also underlined the need for the Transportation Ministry's officials to work in synergy with people, the regional governments, and other ministries to address obstacles hindering transportation development.

Furthermore, Sumadi praised his aides at the Railway Directorate General for their success in developing a variety of railway infrastructures and systems in the last decade.

In this regard, he then spoke highly of the Jakarta-Bandung Whoosh high-speed train, saying that the train system is powered by cutting-edge technology that has yet to be implemented in several countries.

The minister also highlighted the trial of the trackless train in New Capital Nusantara and the development and operations of the Minangkabau International Airport Train, South Sumatra Light Rapid Transit (LRT), Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Bekasi LRT, Makassar-Parepare Train, and Jakarta Mass Rapid Transit, among others.

"All these feats constitute the result of your dedication and commitment to your duties. For that reason, I would like to convey my appreciation to everyone involved in the development of the railway sector," he told his officials.

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Translator: Muhammad H, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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