Jakarta (ANTARA) - People are expected to consider the greater interest of the public while exercising their democratic rights, chief of the Presidential Communications Office (PCO), Hasan Nasbi, said in a written statement on Thursday.

Nasbi issued the statement in response to the ongoing political dynamics, especially public protests, following the House of Representatives' (DPR's) speedy decision to amend the Law on Regional Leaders' Election.

The dynamic reflects the nation's "amazing process of democracy" in which all national stakeholders play their role, he said.

He pointed out that while the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court (MK) have played their role as the judiciary, the DPR has played its role as the legislature. The people and the civil society, he said, have also played their part in the nation's democracy.

"Disagreements and discord we see reflect the greatness of our nation," Nasbi emphasized.

The agency chief affirmed that the parliament will adhere to the Constitutional Court's decision only if the revised regional election law is not passed by the parliament until August 27, 2024.

"If no new regulation is enacted, the government will follow the existing regulation," he said.

Nasbi also conveyed the government's hope that there will be no riots or chaos caused by disinformation or hoaxes during protests, emphasizing that public order and economic activities should be maintained.

On Tuesday (August 20), the MK decided that the threshold for nominating candidates for regional head and deputy regional head posts should be solely based on votes gained in regional elections instead of seats in regional parliaments.

The verdict effectively overrode Article 40(1) of the Law on Regional Leaders' Election, which requires parties to either gain 25 percent of the vote share or 20 percent of the regional parliaments' seats to nominate candidates.

The Court also declared on the same day that the age threshold for regional head candidates -- 30 years for governors and 25 years for district heads and mayors -- should be counted from the day of their registration.

However, the parliament's Legislative Body and the government on Wednesday (August 21) quickly approved revisions to the Law on Regional Leaders' Election for ratification at a plenary session. The revision only partly adheres to the MK ruling.

The revised draft states that the votes threshold for regional head elections will apply only to parties that have failed to enter regional parliaments, while parliamentary parties will remain subject to the parliament seat threshold.

Moreover, the revision states that the age threshold for regional leaders would be counted from the day of inauguration and not registration. The parliament said that an earlier Supreme Court ruling justified the change.

Due to a lack of quorum, the plenary session to ratify the revisions of the Law on Regional Leaders' Election, planned on Thursday morning, was called off.

Related news: DPR to follow Court's decision if Pilkada Bill unpassed until Aug 27

Related news: Will consider people's wishes in amending regional election bill: DPR

Translator: Rangga Pandu AJ, Nabil Ihsan
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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