Banda Aceh (ANTARA) - The Press Council has urged mediapersons/journalists to serve the nation by acting as arbiters and help ensure fair conduct at every stage of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). "The press should serve as a fair, responsible 'referees' that upholds moral values and principles of integrity while staying true to its ethic codes during the Pilkada," Yadi Hendriana, chairperson of the Press Council's Commission of Ethics Enforcement, said in Banda Aceh City, Aceh Province.

Speaking at the 2024 Pilkada news coverage workshop on Thursday, he underlined that it is necessary for the media to provide the public with reliable information about the candidates running for regional leadership posts.

On that note, Hendriana said that the press must work to help voters identify the finest candidates for their regions.

To that end, he reminded Indonesian reporters to shed light on the attitude, track record, and ideas of all candidates through their journalistic work.

He then urged journalists to spread accurate and balanced information that is not biased toward any candidate.

"That is the true form of democracy. Convincing and accurate news is the very output the nation is expecting from the democratic process carried out by the press," he added while noting that quality journalistic works can convince people of their political decisions.

On the occasion, Hendriana also emphasized that reporters must help Indonesia make the 2024 Pilkada a success by helping maintain a conducive democratic climate and countering the spread of hoaxes by so-called Internet buzzers.

"Moreover, it is equally important for the press to maintain people's conscience when choosing their leader candidates," he added.

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Translator: Rahmat F, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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