Yogyakarta (ANTARA) - Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin stated that he is closely following the investigation into the alleged bullying case at Diponegoro University (Undip) that led to a student's death, assuring that the matter will be handled in accordance with the law.

The student was enrolled in the Specialist Doctor Education Program (PPDS) at the university.

"I will push this to the legal realm to ensure maximum punishment for the perpetrators and to create a deterrent effect," Sadikin said in Yogyakarta on Wednesday.

Without legal action, the issues within the PPDS system will be difficult to address, he added.

Although he did not provide specific details on the results of the investigation into the alleged bullying, he expressed deep concern over the case.

Sadikin mentioned that he obtained substantial information after meeting with the family of the victim, Aulia Risma Lestari, the Undip PPDS student, in Tegal, Central Java, some time ago.

The Health Ministry's internal investigation results have been submitted to the police, he noted.

According to Sadikin, the investigation team obtained several documents related to the case, including Lestari's WhatsApp messages, notes, and recordings.

The minister aims to completely eradicate bullying within the PPDS program, especially since his efforts to save Lestari's father were unsuccessful.

Her father passed away after undergoing inpatient treatment at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Central General Hospital (RSUP) in Jakarta on Tuesday.

Sadikin had arranged for Lestari's father to be transferred to the hospital after his condition worsened in Tegal.

"I did everything I could to save the father in order to reduce the family's suffering and pressure, but it was not enough," he said. "Going forward, I hope the efforts to eliminate bullying practices in the PPDS can be realized."

Earlier on Monday, Sadikin mentioned that he would announce the results of the investigation into the alleged bullying case at Undip.

Related news: Ministry, police to jointly investigate PPDS doctor suicide case
Related news: Law ministry backs tough measures on medical training bullying

Translator: Luqman Hakim, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Anton Santoso
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