Jakarta (ANTARA) - The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology has proposed an additional budget to optimize the implementation of priority programs in 2025.

Education and Culture Minister Nadiem Makarim said that the budget ceiling of Rp83.19 trillion (US$5 billion) for his ministry for the 2025 fiscal year is not optimal to fund mandatory and priority programs, including teacher and lecturer allowances.

"Our budget ceiling for next year is Rp14.51 trillion lower than the previous year. This is not optimal for our mandatory and priority programs, including operational assistance for state universities," he said during a hearing with the House of Representatives on Thursday.

The programs also include the teacher quality improvement program, arts and culture agenda, education quality mentoring, state university revitalization, and the Center of Excellence Vocational School Program, he added.

Makarim then proposed an additional budget of Rp26.4 trillion for six priority programs: early childhood and 12-year compulsory education; higher education; teaching and learning quality improvement; language and culture advancement and preservation; vocational education and training; and management support.

Earlier, while delivering the 2025 State Budget Bill and Financial Notes on August 16, President Joko Widodo outlined that the education sector, in general, will receive Rp722.6 trillion.

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Translator: Hana Dewi Kinarina, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Anton Santoso
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