At least 13 thousand athletes hailing from all regions across Indonesia, including four new Papuan provinces and Nusantara Capital City, are vying for medals in 65 sports in a total of 20 districts and cities in Aceh and North Sumatra.
Aceh (ANTARA) - Female West Papuan athlete Desi Welmince Robaha and her male counterpart Pinon Robaha each secured a gold medal for their province in the technical 1,000-meter stand-up paddleboarding events of the 2024 National Sports Week (PON).

The two West Papuan athletes managed to clinch the medals after emerging victorious in their final games taking place at Pulau Kapuk Beach, Aceh Besar District, Aceh Province, on Monday.

"We would like to thank God for the success of our two athletes in winning gold medals," Chairman of the Indonesian National Sports Committee (KONI) of West Papua Djoni Saiba remarked in West Aceh.

Starting the race on lane 2, Desi successfully finished first, with a time of seven minutes and 26.060 seconds, beating Jakarta's representative Aurel Faustasyah Febrina and North Sulawesi's delegate Jannete Giselle Kumendong, who finished second and third, respectively.

In the men's 1,000-meter event, Pinon demonstrated class by finishing first, clocking a time of six minutes and 15 seconds. The West Papuan athlete defeated a contestant from Jakarta, Masrino, and a contender from East Java, Septenandow Horomati.

The 2024 PON marks the first edition of such an event to be held simultaneously in the two provinces of Aceh and North Sumatra.

At least 13 thousand athletes hailing from all regions across Indonesia, including four new Papuan provinces and Nusantara Capital City, are vying for medals in 65 sports in a total of 20 districts and cities in Aceh and North Sumatra.

Although the opening ceremony will only take place this evening, some matches have been underway since August due to their lengthier competitions. The 2024 PON will conclude on September 20.

President Joko Widodo and First Lady Iriana are scheduled to attend the opening ceremony that will be held at the Harapan Bangsa Stadium, Banda Aceh City.

Related news: President Jokowi inaugurates 18 venues for National Sports Week 2024
Related news: 2024 PON arena to support athletes' development in Aceh: Minister

Translator: Muhammad Z, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Arie Novarina
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