Biak, Papua (ANTARA) - The program to accelerate public welfare development in Papua will continue to be the central government's focus in 2025, according to expert staff at the Presidential Staff Office (KSP), Theofransus Litaay.

"The people's welfare development in Papua for 2025 has been prepared by the government and is a quick-win program of President-elect Prabowo Subianto and Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka," he said in a statement received here on Monday.

He informed that in 2025, the Papua welfare development program will cover the nutritious meal program, which will be implemented nationally with a budget of Rp71 trillion (US$4.5 billion).

Meanwhile, the National Nutrition Agency will manage nutritious and healthy meal provision to pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and school students at all levels of education.

The Jayapura city government in Papua carried out the meal program trial in collaboration with UNICEF, Litaay said.

"The result of the program tryout is very good as it can protect children of vulnerable groups from malnutrition and stunting," he added.

The welfare development program will also offer free health checks for determining blood sugar levels and other disease risks in 2025.

He informed that so far, cases of infectious diseases have been detected Papuan villages, which could affect productivity, economy, and human resource quality.

In view of this, the program will also cover the construction of Type D and Type C hospitals with sufficient health equipment in Papua.

The presence of Type C hospitals in Papua would ensure affordable health services at the city, district, sub-district, and village levels.

In 2025, the government will also begin school and classroom renovations and provision of clean toilets and bathing facilities.

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Translator: Muhsidin, Kenzu
Editor: Arie Novarina
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