Jakarta (ANTARA) - Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi has said that the Indonesia Digital Society Index (IMDI) can serve as a reference for policy makers in designing digitalization policies and programs.

"The 2024 IMDI measurement is a collective step in understanding Indonesia's digital society development comprehensively," he observed here on Tuesday.

He said he expects the index results to serve as the basis for digital human resource policy-making and development programs, especially to realize the Golden Indonesia 2045 vision.

Earlier, the Communication and Informatics Ministry's Human Resources Development Agency conducted IMDI measurements in 514 districts and cities in the country.

Head of the agency, Hary Budiarto, said that IMDI measurement covers pillars such as infrastructure and ecosystem, digital skills, empowerment, and employment.

Based on the measurements, the overall IMDI score for this year was recorded at 43.34, Budiarto said.

"This figure shows a slight increase of 0.16 from 2023. This means that the district and city governments can already feel the (impact of) programs that improve digital society," he explained.

Providing further details, he said that the infrastructure and ecosystem score in the 2024 index was 52.70, meaning some regions in Indonesia have not been reached by digital infrastructure.

The digital skills score, which shows people's proficiency in utilizing digital services, was recorded at 58.25, he added.

Meanwhile, the empowerment score, which reflects how digital connectivity has improved people's quality of life, was just 25.68 — the lowest among the pillars of the index.

Finally, the employment score, which shows the availability of digital jobs, stood at 38.09.

He said that IMDI measurements have been carried out since 2022, and the overall results tend to increase from year to year.

Only Padang, Central Jakarta, Bandung, Malang, Denpasar, and Buleleng district have rather high IDMI scores.

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Translator: Livia K, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
Copyright © ANTARA 2024