Jakarta (ANTARA) - Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi on Tuesday stressed the importance of building the capacity of digital talents to respond to the ongoing technological development dynamics.

"Some of the ways to respond to the current need for digital talents is through upskilling (rejuvenating skillsets) and reskilling (learning new skills and expertise) for digital talents," he said here.

The minister highlighted that currently, industries need digital talents who are skilled in using technology to bring about business innovations.

Setiadi stressed that it is necessary to carry out upskilling and reskilling to meet the needs of human resources in growing industries.

According to the 2023 Harvard Business Review, upskilling and reskilling can reduce the gap between industry demand and the availability of human resources with the required tech skills.

Setiadi said that digital talents need to master digital entrepreneurship, cybersecurity, data science, programming, computing, artificial intelligence, and Big Data, among other things.

"These skills need to be supported with cognitive skills such as analytical, systemic, and creative mindsets," he added.

Meanwhile, according to a World Bank and McKinsey report, Indonesia will require about nine million workers in the digital sector by 2030.

A 2024 report by the Communication and Informatics Ministry's Human Resources Development Agency put the figure closer to 12 million.

To boost digital talent availability, the ministry has established partnerships with universities and other stakeholders, for instance, through the Digital Talent Scholarship.

"The Digital Talent Scholarship helps us massively generate the digital workforce. Cooperation with universities has obviously helped us. We hope this can develop the digital culture," Head of the ministry's Telecommunication Accessibility Agency (BAKTI) Fadhilah Mathar said on September 2, 2024.

Related news: KSP explores collaboration to meet 9 mln digital talent target
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Translator: Livia K, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
Copyright © ANTARA 2024