Moscow (ANTARA) - President Director of the ANTARA News Agency Akhmad Munir has said that ANTARA fully supports a media landscape that values truth and diversity for a more harmonious world.

"Thank you for being here and for engaging in this important conversation. Let's continue to support a media landscape that values truth, diversity, and our collective journey toward a more harmonious world," he said at the BRICS Media Summit 2024 in Moscow, Russia, on Saturday.

He noted that the diverse media landscape of BRICS countries provides a critical platform for amplifying voices that may otherwise be marginalized, adding that their reporting helps balance the global narrative and ensures that various perspectives are represented.

Giving an example, Munir said that in the recent global conversations on climate and sustainable development, BRICS countries have led significant initiatives and made remarkable progress.

Each country is facing unique environmental challenges and opportunities, he noted, and the media in those countries are playing a critical role in shaping the global discourse, with each of them bringing their unique superpowers to the table.

He said that Brazil, with its coverage of the Amazon, has shown others how to fight the good fight for the environment with flair and urgency.

Regarding the dramatic stories of rainforest fires, he continued, the Brazilian media did not just report them but also drew the world's attention to them, proving that even in journalism, drama can lead to action.

Furthermore, he highlighted that when China chaired the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) two years ago, the country's media turned the event into a global headline act, ensuring that conversation about efforts to protect the Earth became the main event.

He added that the Chinese media's coverage helped bring together voices from all corners of the world, creating a global chorus for biodiversity conservation.

"By reporting on the conference's outcomes and challenges, media outlets facilitated a shared understanding and fostered international collaboration," he said.

He further underlined that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the media became a lifeline as they not only served as a channel for disseminating information but also as a beacon of hope and a source of unity.

He added that media outlets provided updates, debunked misinformation, and shared stories of resilience.

"Media connected people, not just with facts, but with each other, reminding the public that in our shared struggles and triumphs, we are fundamentally linked," he said.

In front of BRICS media leaders, Munir highlighted that media agencies are not just chroniclers of events but architects of global dialogue. "We're like the world's most ambitious storytellers, weaving together diverse narratives to form a coherent and engaging global tale."

According to him, every story that the media tells, every investigation that it carries out, as well as the headlines it makes contribute to a global narrative that is richer, more nuanced, and incredibly dynamic.

At the forum, he also invited all parties to respect the media's role, which is more than just a source of news.

He highlighted that media are a vital connector, a catalyst for change, and a beacon of truth.

In a world where diverse voices must come together to address shared challenges, he said, the media help weave global understanding and cooperation.

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Translator: Suryanto, Raka Adji
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
Copyright © ANTARA 2024