Jakarta (ANTARA) - Indonesian Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah underscored the importance of synergy between educational and training institutions and industries to meet the competency needs of workers in the job market.

"I hope partners from businesses and industries can think about how to prepare skilled human resources through vocational education," she noted in a statement on Monday.

During the inauguration of an industrial vocational high school in Mojokerto, East Java, on Sunday, Fauziyah emphasized that, in addition to the domestic job market, there is significant potential for preparing the workforce to work abroad.

To this end, the Ministry of Manpower will focus on training institutions to prepare Indonesian migrant workers for employment in various countries.

"If educational and training institutions focus not only on meeting domestic job market needs but also on international opportunities," she remarked, "I believe our open unemployment rate will decline."

At the same event, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy emphasized that development is a manifestation of the partnership to build a connection between educational and training institutions and businesses and industries.

He further stated that the Golden Indonesia 2045 vision would not be achieved optimally without this partnership.

Effendy also pointed out that Indonesia is currently facing a demographic dividend, and therefore, the revitalization of vocational education and training must be a shared priority.

He noted that, in line with a presidential regulation, the implementation of this policy aims to optimize the potential of the demographic dividend to create excellent Indonesian human resources.

At Sunday's event, Effendy also commended Fauziyah for her focused efforts to improve vocational education and training in Mojokerto.

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Translator: Prisca Triferna, Raka Adji
Editor: Anton Santoso
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