New York (ANTARA) - Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi stated that the world is currently facing an uncomfortable truth: there are signs of the failure of multilateralism.

Marsudi emphasized this issue at the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting during the High-Level Week of the 79th UN General Assembly in New York, USA, on Wednesday (September 25).

According to Marsudi, the signs of failure in multilateralism are the fragmentation of global governance, erosion of trust, and inadequate response to emerging challenges.

“The dire humanitarian situation in Palestine has truly revealed how frail multilateralism has become,” she pointed out.

“The genocide in Gaza, along with the escalation of tensions in the Middle East, serves as a reminder of the urgent need to uphold international law and fundamental rights, without exception,” Marsudi added.

She offered three key points to address the signs of failure: consider the Global South in decision-making processes, developed countries do the talk on global issues, and the use of digital governance.

Marsudi expressed hope that the G20, as a multilateral forum, would bear its responsibility to restore hope, trust, and credibility.

“The G20 must lead the charge to rebuild a more inclusive, just, and effective multilateralism, and it is time to act together for our common good,” she said.

Related news: Indonesia calls for global governance reform at UN summit

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Reporter: Suwanti
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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