The extreme poverty (rate), in accordance with the government's target, will reach zero percent in 2024.
Banyuwangi, East Java (ANTARA) - Advisor to the President, Arif Budimanta, has said that the extreme poverty elimination program is running well.

"The extreme poverty (rate), in accordance with the government's target, will reach zero percent in 2024," Budimanta informed in Telemung village here on Friday.

He said there is evidence showing that the extreme poverty elimination program is running well, in line with expectations.

According to Statistics Indonesia (BPS) data, in March 2024, the extreme poverty rate reached 0.83 percent.

Some people managed to get out of or "graduate" from extreme poverty with the help of the government's extreme poverty elimination program, he said.

"We saw that there are some extremely poor people who have successfully graduated. Graduation means getting out of the extreme poor and poor groups. Hopefully, this will continue to run smoothly," he added.

One of the government's strategies to eliminate extreme poverty is increasing people's income, he said.

The government is also offering the social protection program and permanent social aid to the elderly who live alone and have no income, he added.

The government has also strengthened the extreme poverty elimination program by allocating village funds for infrastructure improvement in villages and reducing the burden of daily expenses on the poor.

"We call the first strategy as reducing the financial burden. Mutual cooperation is needed to help reduce the burden of spending money of families or individuals who are categorized as poor groups," he said.

The government is also collaborating with agencies, such as the National Alms Agency (BAZNAS), philanthropists, and the community to tackle extreme poverty. The community can participate in poverty elimination by donating food.

Handling extreme poverty in Indonesia has become one of the government's priority agendas. Over the past few years, the government has succeeded in significantly lowering the extreme poverty rate.

Related news: VP Amin advocates for data-driven poverty reduction
Related news: Moving closer to zero extreme poverty
Related news: Extreme poverty eradication requires local approach: minister

Translator: Aji C, Kenzu
Editor: Azis Kurmala
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