Deputy for maritime and natural resource affairs at Bappenas, Vivi Yulaswati, delivered the statement during a meeting with Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL), according to an official statement released in Jakarta on Monday.
"The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas remains committed to ensuring the transition to new and renewable energy to support Indonesia's development, and continues to make efforts to increase investment in the use of new and renewable energy in Indonesia," she said.
According to Yulaswati, Indonesia must continue to push for an increase in the new and renewable energy transition, considering that climate change and greenhouse gas emission reduction can be game changers that can drive national growth.
However, these efforts cannot simply follow the business-as-usual approach.
She outlined two key challenges in implementing the new and renewable energy transition: transmission and distribution infrastructure, and the relatively higher costs of renewable energy compared to fossil fuel-based energy.
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However, Indonesia is firmly pursuing its commitment to green energy implementation, as regulated in the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025–2045.
To achieve green energy development, she added, support from various stakeholders is needed, including support for financing in implementing the new and renewable energy transition.
"Investment for the green transition requires up to US$51.6 billion per year, which will come not only from government funding but also from private sector contributions," she said.
During the meeting on Monday, investors, who also joined in the discussion, pushed for a new governance framework that can support the ease of financing for green energy.
They also called for the immediate implementation of new and renewable energy, especially given the growing demand for renewable energy from the United States, Europe, and China.
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Translator: Kuntum Khaira Riswan
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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