Jakarta (ANTARA) - Deputy head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Amarulla Octavian, has highlighted the need for Indonesian researchers to intensify research on issues involving other countries.

"Such research needs to be intensified since this nation still tends to be inward-looking, meaning we are too fixated on domestic issues and are lacking experts on other countries," he said at the opening of an infographic exhibition in Jakarta on Monday.

Speaking at the event held by BRIN's Organization for Research on Social and Humanities Sciences, Octavian said that Indonesia is in need of more researchers who specialize in studying neighboring countries as well as those located in the Middle East, Europe, America, and Africa.

He then cited the recent fall of the Bashar Al Assad regime in Syria as an example, which has left people around the world puzzled.

"What can we learn from this event? What lessons does it offer? Why did Russia and Iran not back the Syrian government? Support was absent even though the Syrian President enjoys harmonious ties with Russian President Vladimir Putin and the President of Iran," he said.

The former rector of Indonesia's Defense University further said that it is vital that national researchers gather adequate knowledge about global issues to help Indonesia properly anticipate the possible far-reaching impacts of such dynamics.

"Our scientists and researchers need to quickly respond to a variety of global issues by conducting research," he stressed.

The official then reiterated the importance of Indonesia encouraging researchers to accord greater priority to research on international issues so it can strengthen resilience against challenges posed by the international system.

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Translator: Sean Filo, Tegar Nurfitra
Editor: Tia Mutiasari
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