Malang, E. Java (ANTARA) - Communication and Digital Affairs Minister Meutya Hafid has urged cellular operators to make bigger efforts to help the government strengthen internet networks in regions.

"We encourage private cellular operators to enter areas that do not yet have a good internet signal," she said after visiting an Islamic school (madrasah) in Malang District, East Java, on Saturday.

Through collaborative efforts between the government and cellular operators, she added, it is possible to accelerate the distribution of internet networks across Indonesia.

She emphasized that in this digital era, internet access is among the basic needs to support people's activities, including improving the economy and education.

"We ask for your support in providing internet access, especially in areas in eastern Indonesia," Hafid said.

During her visit to Malang, she also reviewed an internet signal booster installed at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Ibnu Sina.

The installation of such infrastructure assistance is part of the government's commitment to ensure that students can easily access the internet, and thereby support their studies.

The minister warned that the internet infrastructure assistance must not be used to access negative content, such as online gambling and pornography sites.

Since last year, the Ministry of Communication and Digital Affairs has been providing internet signal booster assistance to thousands of madrasahs and other religious schools in the country.

"There are 5,400 madrasahs and other religious schools that we assisted for 2024 alone," Hafid informed.

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Translator: Ananto Pradana, Yashinta Difa
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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