Singkawang, W Kalimantan (ANTARA) - Nine dragon replicas have been installed in Singkawang City, West Kalimantan, to enliven the celebrations of the Chinese New Year and Cap Go Meh 2025.

The replicas have been displayed at the Pucuk Merah Garden (PMG) swimming pool on Jalan Tani, Pasiran Village, West Singkawang Sub-district.

"We have displayed them there and they will remain there until the Cap Go Meh Festival on February 12, 2025," said Bong Sin Fo, head of the team that made the dragon replicas.

Each of the dragon replicas, created by the Santo Yosep Singkawang Group, measures between 37 to 38 meters in length.

From the PMG swimming pool, they will be taken in a procession to the Tri Dharma Bumi Raya Temple in the city center around 8:00 a.m. local time.

Thereafter, they will be taken to several temples in the city center, with the procession concluding at the Kelenteng Tjhia (Tjhia Family House).

In the evening, the dragons will be carried in a lantern parade across Singkawang city, with each dragon accompanied by 30 players, including flag bearers and drummers.

In total, 400 participants will accompany the dragon replicas in the lantern procession.

Bong invited visitors to see and take pictures with the dragon replicas, but warned them not to touch or lift the dragons to avoid causing damage.

The nine dragon replicas on display exhibit a range of colors, including yellow, green, blue, red, gray, white, turquoise, gold, and pink.

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Translator: Narwati, Kenzu
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
Copyright © ANTARA 2025