Director General of PKTN, Moga Simatupang, communicated this in connection with the summons issued to the PT Pertamina Patra Niaga ranks to address the issue of adulteration of research octane number (RON) 92 fuel sold at Pertamina gas stations.
"Consumers should receive fuel that meets the quality and quantity promised by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga. This summons (serves as) one form of consumer protection through guidance to business actors," Simatupang remarked on Tuesday.
On Monday, the summons took place, during which Director of Consumer Empowerment of the Directorate General of PKTN Rihadi Nugraha expressed that the adulteration of RON 92 fuel had led to public concern and distrust in using fuel, especially Pertamax.
"Consumers have the right to access correct, clear, and honest information regarding the condition and guarantee of goods and/or services," Nugraha emphasized.
The government guarantees consumer protection through Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection Article 4, letter (c).
Related news: Govt to form team to ensure fuel on sale meets specifications
Meanwhile, the Director of Planning and Business Development of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Harsono Budi Santoso said his office ensures that the fuel sold to the public currently meets the required specifications.
The fuel has cleared the testing stages and complies with applicable requirements, which mandate that raw materials have a Certificate of Quality (CoQ) before they are shipped from the fuel terminal and sold to the public.
The fuel products in circulation are also accompanied by test reports that align with the specified specifications. Upon arrival at the gas station, visual and density checks are performed.
Furthermore, all business units and products of PT Pertamina undergo periodic audits by LEMIGAS (Oil and Gas Agency) and other competent parties to maintain fuel quality.
Santoso noted that Pertamina Patra Niaga has continually coordinated with related ministries and institutions, such as the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, LEMIGAS, and Commission XII of the Indonesian House of Representatives.
"We continue to ensure that the quality of Pertalite and Pertamax fuel products currently in circulation are in accordance with the specifications for both fuels," he affirmed.
Related news: Indonesian govt backs probe into Pertamina fuel adulteration case
Translator: Maria Cicilia G P, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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