At the Presidential Palace Complex in Jakarta on Tuesday night, Sirait stated that the decision reflects the government's ongoing commitment to providing decent housing at affordable prices for the public.
"Shortly, the president will announce the additional quota. This subsidized house is in great demand by the public, and the banks are also happy because the tax credit is low," he remarked.
Since the start of Prabowo's administration on October 20, 2024, approximately 110 thousand MBR housing units have been under construction, followed by handovers.
Sirait stated that his side is increasing the number of MBR housing units for the community in line with the budget prepared by the government in 2024, namely for 220 thousand MBR housing units.
Currently, his side faces two challenges in this program: ensuring that housing assistance reaches the correct recipients and maintaining housing quality.
To address the first challenge, the ministry is coordinating with the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) and Statistics Indonesia (BPS) to conduct data matching on people eligible for this assistance.
Meanwhile, the second challenge involves the quality of housing, as many property developers construct homes with subpar quality.
To tackle this second challenge, Sirait has specifically formed a curator team, including himself, to check the quality of subsidized housing.
One of the findings related to poor quality was in Bekasi, where a year-old housing had experienced problems with uneven and bubbling floors, as well as difficulties with access and flooding in the housing area.
Sirait urged housing developers to anticipate such issues to provide optimal and decent housing for the community through this program.
Related news: Prabowo announces housing assistance scheme for three million houses
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Translator: Livia Kristianti, Resinta Sulistiyandari
Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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