Padang, W Sumatra (ANTARA) - After previously building the 192 megawatt peak (MWp) Floating Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in the Cirata Reservoir, West Java, the government is currently seeking to construct another floating PLTS in Lake Singkarak, West Sumatra.

Through the state-owned electricity company PLN, the government has designed the PLTS in Lake Singkarak to have a capacity of 50-megawatt alternating current (MWAc), or equivalent to 76 MWp.

The development of the PLTS, which is projected to be the largest in Sumatra, will involve ACWA Power from Saudi Arabia and PT Indo Acwa Tenaga Singkarak.

Currently, the Lake Singkarak PLTS project is in the information dissemination phase, targeting those living around the lake.

PLN Indonesia Power, the sub-holding of PLN, initiated the dissemination of information following the announcement of the tender winner for the project. However, the COVID-19 pandemic was causal to a delay in disseminating information on the development of the floating PLTS in Lake Singkarak.

President Director of PT Indo Acwa Tenaga Singkarak Helmi Kautsar emphasized that the development of the PLTS is a solution to produce clean energy and achieve net-zero emissions by 2060.

"The Lake Singkarak Floating PLTS is designed to be in accordance with environmental preservation," he affirmed.

In this regard, the development of new renewable energy sources will support local wisdom and the sources of livelihood of residents who have relied on Lake Singkarak. The sustainable local-based economic improvement program entails the development of processed bilih (Mystacoleucus padangensis) fish products as superior commodities.

Bilih fish is a type of endemic freshwater fish that can only be found in Lake Singkarak or the rivers around the lake.

Residents around the lake have caught and cultivated the fish as their primary source of income for years. The fish, measuring around 115 millimeters, are generally processed into snacks or dishes.

PLN is carrying out various programs, including education, training, and the provision of fishing equipment for the fishers, as well as the bilih fish conservation program.

In the educational sphere, PLN Indonesia Power is also prepared to facilitate or provide scholarships for children in Tanah Datar District, enabling them to pursue their studies at home or abroad, especially in Saudi Arabia.

"We ensure that the presence of the Lake Singkarak Floating PLTS will not interfere with the natural habitat of the bilih fish," Kautsar emphasized.

In fact, the relevant parties are collaborating with the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and other researchers and research institutions to study the ecosystem of Lake Singkarak for environmental sustainability.

In short, the development of the PLTS is not merely about sustainable clean energy solutions but must also have a positive impact on the community and the environment, especially the conservation of endemic wildlife in the lake.

President Director of PLN Indonesia Power, Edwin Nugraha Putra, noted that the Lake Singkarak Floating PLTS is aimed at not only distributing electricity in West Sumatra Province but also in other regions on Sumatra Island.

"God willing, the Lake Singkarak Floating PLTS will be the power plant with the largest capacity in Sumatra," Putra remarked.

In general, the construction of the PLTS also aligns with President Prabowo Subianto's Asta Cita missions, especially the second mission of strengthening the country's defense and security system and encouraging national independence through self-sufficiency in food, energy, water, creative economy, green economy, and blue economy.

West Sumatra possesses substantial potential for renewable energy sources, such as solar, hydro (water), and geothermal power, providing a compelling reason for the government to leverage them to improve public welfare.


The plan for developing the floating PLTS is encountering challenges. The community around Lake Singkarak has openly voiced its rejection of the plan.

The community's rejection primarily stems from concerns that the project's construction could deteriorate the condition of Lake Singkarak and endanger its ecosystem, including the bilih fish.

Additionally, the rejection arose due to the community members' disappointment over unfulfilled promises made before the Lake Singkarak Hydropower Plant's establishment, including free street lighting, electricity for places of worship, and scholarships.

The dissatisfied residents do not want a repeat of past disappointments during the construction of the Singkarak Lake Floating PLTS. Nonetheless, the community, led by representatives of the local village heads, emphasized that they are not inherently opposed to development, including PLTS. However, the government or PLN must be firm and clear and keep their promises.

Deputy Chair of Commission VI of the House of Representatives (DPR) Andre Rosiade stated that the development of Lake Singkarak Floating PLTS aims to support clean and sustainable energy that benefits and positively impacts people's welfare.

Andre ensured that people's aspirations, including their rejection, were being considered. The legislator also guaranteed that he would accept every input from residents to find common ground.

"The PLTS development must benefit the community, must not damage the environment and ecosystem of Lake Singkarak, and must open jobs," Rosiade stressed.

He also ensured that every investment entering West Sumatra, including the plan for developing the floating PLTS in Lake Singkarak, must benefit its people. To this end, the people are encouraged to listen to explanations from PLN Indonesia Power regarding the project.

Green province

Irman Gusman, a Regional Representative Council (DPD) member from West Sumatra, has positively welcomed the PLTS development plan.

In Gusman's view, the project ensures equitable and reliable electricity distribution and will contribute to making West Sumatra a green province in Indonesia.

He urged the local governments and communities to fully support the floating PLTS development plan as a step towards adopting green and clean energy.

Furthermore, the floating PLTS is viewed as one of the solutions to mitigate the effects of the current global climate crisis. The project is also expected to be a gateway to the transition to renewable energy, thereby supporting Indonesia's goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2060.

In response to the local community's opposition, Gusman suggested that the regional governments hold meetings with the community leaders to identify optimal solutions.

He suggested that PLN Indonesia Power thoroughly explain the benefits of the solar power plant to the community. He also encouraged the fulfillment of the promises made earlier for developing the hydropower plant.

The development of the Lake Singkarak Floating PLTS is expected to not only be a strategic energy project but is also believed to have a positive and sustainable impact on the environment, particularly for the community.

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Editor: Rahmad Nasution
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