Jakarta (ANTARA) - Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, Arifah Fauzi, emphasized the role of religious women's organizations in fulfilling children's rights, such as through the Child-Friendly Ramadan Movement.

"The Child-Friendly Ramadan Movement aims to invite the community and encourage the role of parents and families in optimizing Ramadan by enhancing the quality of parenting at home," Fauzi stated here on Wednesday.

The minister remarked that one of the programs in the Child-Friendly Ramadan Movement is the Child-Friendly Pesantren, or Islamic boarding school.

"One of the programs is the Child-Friendly Pesantren, which has involved various community elements, including religious women's organizations, such as Muslimat NU," Minister Fauzi noted.

For this reason, her ministry fully supports the child-friendly Pesantren Ramadan program organized by Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).

The Child-Friendly Ramadan Movement encompasses various aspects, including fostering character education in children, enhancing parenting skills, creating supportive family environments, empowering community roles, and strengthening government policies.

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The Pesantren Ramadan event, organized by the Muslimat NU Central Leadership, has been held across the regions and supported by the organization's branches, sub-branches, and units throughout Indonesia.

At the central leadership level, the event was held at two locations, Pengadegan and Pondok Cabe, with 125 Pesantren students participating.

"As the largest women's organization in Indonesia with a vast network, Muslimat NU plays a strategic role in disseminating and implementing policies and programs for women's empowerment and child protection," Fauzi noted.

According to the minister, collaboration and support from various parties is also essential in realizing the protection of women and children from all forms of violence.

The government aims to leverage the spirit of Ramadan through the Child-Friendly Ramadan Movement, encouraging parents to enhance their parenting practices and apply limitations on gadget usage.

Related news: Fulfilling children's rights and protection must be priority: Minister

Translator: Anita, Kenzu
Editor: Yuni Arisandy Sinaga
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