Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) recorded the domestic (PMDN) and foreign (PMA) investments in Indonesia in 2010 increased 54.2 percent from Rp135.2 trillion in 2009 to Rp208.5 trillion, its chief said.

"The increase in the investment figure indicates a good investment development. This also indicates improving investment climate and services and show that the investment polices have turned good yields," BKPM Chief Gita Wirjawan said here on Sunday.

He said that of the total investment, Rp148.0 trillion was foreign investment (PMA) and Rp60.5 trillion was domestic one (PMDN).

"Compared with the target this year at Rp160.1 trillion, the investment realization exceeded the target by about 30.2 percent," Gita said.

In accumulative terms, the increase in the PMDN in 2010 contributed 29 percent while in 2009 it only contributed 28 percent (Rp37.8 trillion), he said. The PMDN thus increased 60 percent in 2010.

There was an increase by 32.9 percent PMDN investment outside Java in 2010 (Rp68.5 trillion) while in the same period in 2009 it was only recorded at 18.5 percent (Rp25 trillion).

Based on sectors, the biggest domestic investment in 2010 was made in food industry amounting to Rp16.41 trillion (27.1 percent).

In the meantime, the biggest foreign investment was made in the warehouse and telecommunications sectors in 2010 worth US$5.05 billion dollars.(*)

Editor: Aditia Maruli Radja
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