Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Timor Leste Prime Minister Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao exchanged views with ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan on recent developments in Timor-Leste, including the country`s application for ASEAN membership.

Gusmao and Surin exchanged views on the matters when the leader of Timor Leste visited the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta on Wednesday afternoon, according to information made available to ANTARA.

During the meeting, Gusmao also emphasized that Timor-Leste was making active efforts to prepare itself for ASEAN membership, now that peace and political stability prevailed in the country.

He noted that ASEAN had vast experience in human resources development which was crucial to the success of nation-building and development in Timor-Leste.

This success, among others, had inspired Timor-Leste to join ASEAN as soon as possible. He also cited Indonesia`s support for Timor-Leste`s bid for ASEAN membership.

Secretary General Surin informed PM Gusmao that Indonesia had conveyed Timor-Leste`s application to all other ASEAN member countries.

Indonesia had requested all other ASEAN member countries to give "urgent attention" to the issue, he said.

Under the ASEAN Charter, admission of a new member shall be decided by consensus at an ASEAN Summit upon the recommendation of the ASEAN Coordinating Council (consisting of all the 10 ASEAN foreign ministers).

In their talk, both sides also recalled past collaboration in arranging ASEAN peacekeeping operations for East Timor in 1999.

Gusmao also invited Surin to attend Timor-Leste`s 10th independence anniversary celebration in Dili in May next year. In an earlier meeting with Foreign Minister Zacarias da Costa, Dr Surin had also accepted in principle an invitation to undertake a visit to Timor-Leste.

Gusmao also informed Surin that Timor Leste`s presidential and parliamentary elections will be held in March 2012 and June 2012 respectively, following which United Nations peacekeepers will begin to leave and end their operations.

Prime Minister Gusmao was accompanied by Foreign Minister Zacarias da Costa, Economy and Development Minister Joao Goncalves and the Ambassador to Indonesia Manuel Serrano.(*)

Editor: Ruslan Burhani
Copyright © ANTARA 2011