Berlin (ANTARA News/IRNA-OANA) - A political gathering in Berlin on Friday strongly condemned the Bahraini regime for its lethal crackdown against the freedom movement in the Persian Gulf sheikdom.

Waving Bahrain`s national flags, protesters called for an end to the ongoing bloody repression by Bahrain`s security forces.

Demonstrators carried banners saying Bahrain`s king should be held accountable for killing innocent people.

Protesters also held up gruesome images of victims of the Bahraini regime`s suppression. They also called for a withdrawal of Saudi forces from Bahrain.

At Manama`s request, several Arab Persian Gulf states, notably Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, have dispatched troops to help quell the uprising in the country last month, a move which the Bahraini opposition has branded `an occupation.`(*)

Editor: Jafar M Sidik
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