Moscow (ANTARA News/Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov urged Libyan Prime Minister Al-Baghdadi Ali al-Mahmoudi to implement United Nations resolutions and end attacks on civilians, the ministry said on Sunday.

"Lavrov said that the most important issue now is to stop the bloodshed and suffering of the civilian population," the ministry reported on its website, referring to a Saturday telephone conversation between the two politicians.

Libya must abide by the U.N.`s Security Council resolution "and ensure an immediate ceasefire, above all in Misrata and other population centres", he said.

Hundreds have been killed in the western city of Misrata, which a rebel spokesman said was again under heavy bombardment on Sunday by forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi, a day after rebels celebrated a government pullback.

The Libyan government has repeatedly made calls for ceasefires, which have been rejected by rebels who say they are not matched by its actions.

Russia also called on Libya to work with international organisations to ease the humanitarian crisis in the North African nation.

"Russia is prepared to work with the African Union and the U.N. to move the situation to political and diplomatic channels," the statement said.

Libya`s official JANA news agency also reported Lavrov told Mahmoudi Russia could send observers to monitor a ceasefire, but the Russian statement did not make any mention of the proposal.

Russia has criticised the Western campaign of air strikes against Gaddafi`s forces as exceeding the mandate of a U.N. resolution which authorises the use of force to protect civilians.

As a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, Russia holds veto power over all resolutions, but abstained from the vote to authorise military intervention in Libya.

On Saturday JANA reported Mahmoudi also spoke by telephone with Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou and "reiterated Libya`s commitment to United Nations resolutions". He also said Libya was committed to the African Union`s peace initiative. (*)

Editor: Kunto Wibisono
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