Mataram, W.Nusa Tenggara (ANTARA News) - Officials of the Indonesian embassy to Brunei Darussalam are scheduled to make a working visit to West Nusa Tenggara province to explore the region`s work force potentials, the head of West Nusa Tenggara`s Manpower and Transmigration Office, Mokhlis, said here Friday.

"The Indonesian embassy officials from Brunei Darussalam are scheduled to arrive and visit here June 21-23, 2011," he said.

He said, on June 21 the embassy officials are scheduled to meet with the Governor TGH.M.Zainul Majdi. On June 23, the officials will travel to East Lombok district which is the biggest exporter of manpower in the province.

"They will keep in touch with the governor. The purpose of their visit is also to convey information to the local people about job opportunities in the oil-producing country," Mokhlis said.

According to Mokhlis, the job opportunities in Brunei Darussalam, especially in the formal sector were quite wide open. Workers` wages in Brunei Darussalam were also higher than in Malaysia.

So far the employment opportunities in Brunei Darussalam had not been taken by W Nusatnggara people because there had been little information about them.

"The number of West Nusa Tenggara workers dispatched to Brunei Darussalam in 2010 was only 55 , consisting of 35 women and 20 men. They most e work in the restaurant sector and construction services," Mokhlis said.

He hoped the information provided by the officials of the Indonesian embassy in Brunei Darussalam would motivate local people to seek employment in in that country.

Brunei Darussalam now needed workers with skills in mechanical engineering, electronics and other kinds of professional expertise. But it also has many openings for non-skilled workers such as drivers, waitresses, maids, carpenters and plantation hands.(*)

Editor: Jafar M Sidik
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