Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The ASEAN Foundation, represented by its Executive Director, Dr. Makarim Wibisono, has met with expert academics from Gadjah Mada University in an effort to ripen its new initiative of establishing a network of business schools between ASEAN schools and their Chinese counterparts.

During the discussion, it has been identified that there is a shifting of global economic gravity from the wealthy America to Asia, the Jakarta-based ASEAN Foundation said in a press statement here Friday.

It has been observed that ASEAN Countries are not well prepared in facing this new development. ASEAN Countries must put efforts to seize this opportunity by strengthening capacities of their resources.

The ASEAN Foundation, as one of leading regional institutions, has found this issue relevant with its programme thrust, such as developing human resources as well as helping reduce poverty and addressing socio-economic disparities in ASEAN.

China is considered as one Asian`s economic power in the world. It is affirmed that there is a need to have efforts in creating a network and cooperation between ASEAN and China.

To address the shifting of global economic trend to Asian countries, the ASEAN Foundation is therefore seeking possibilities to set up a network of ASEAN business schools and their Chinese counterparts.

The network will involve several reputable higher education institutions of ASEAN Countries` and those of China`s.

Through the network, it is expected that there will be a transfer of knowledge and exchange of experiences and business best practices between students, faculty members, and business communities through exchange of students, professors, and faculty members, regional seminars, workshops, and conferences, as well as collaborative research.

It also aims to improve the economy of participating countries as the long term benefits in terms of shared understanding of each countries` business practices.

In the end, the ASEAN Countries will stand ready to compete in the shifting global economy gravity.

This preliminary meeting to discuss the initiative was held on 27 June 2011 in Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, between the ASEAN Foundation and a number of expert academics from Gadjah Mada University.

The meeting was presided over by Prof. Marwan Asri, MBA, Ph.D., Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business of Gadjah Mada University.

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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