Mataram, W Nusa Tenggara (ANTARA News) - Vice President Boediono on Monday inspected the Mataram general hospital damaged by fire, and later the Lombok international airport.

The Vice President and Madame Herawati in their 15-minute visit at the hospital were briefed by a doctor. The Vice President later entered the hospital which was still empty following the fire on Sunday.

The hospital was badly damaged, especially the general polyclinics.

In the fire two patients died of a heat attack when being evacuated.

Later the Vice President went to the governor`s audience hall for lunch and attended a coordination forum of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) leadership board.

Earlier the Vice President dedicated the the sixth Maritime Youth and Sports International Festival at Mandalika beach in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), and later inspected the 90 pct completed Lombok International Airport, which was scheduled to start operating on October 1, 2011.(*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
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