Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Lawmakers urged the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to openly explain the reasons and details of the expenses it had spent in repatriating graft suspect Muhammad Nazaruddin from Colombia.

Secretary General of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) Tjahjo Kumolo said here on Sunday that it was ironical for the repatriation from overseas of a legal case suspect using a chartered private jet plane with a big amount of funds.

"They can use a commercial plane for efficiency and effectiveness consideration. The KPK should explain it openly," Tjahjo said.

The same opinion was also raised by Desmon J. Mahesa, a member of the DPR`s Commission III on legal affairs. He said that the KPK should account for the expenses it had spent in the process of arresting and repatriating Nazaruddin.

He said that he would ask the House Commission III to summon the KPK and all legal apparatuses involved in that process to question the cost which reached Rp4 billion.

In the meantime, legislator Basuki Eka Purnama of the Golkar Faction in the House said that the KPK should not have an option from the beginning to hire a private jet plane in the repatriation of Nazaruddin.

He said that the KPK should have planned to use a business class of a regular aircraft.

"What is important is that the KPK should be able to show a result that would not condone the public perception that there have been a fabrication or a deal between the law enforcers and the suspect," he added.(*)

Editor: Ruslan Burhani
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