Remissions to convicted corrupters
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - The government has begun tightening the requirements for convicted corrupters to obtain jail term remissions, Law and Human Rights Minister Amir Syamsuddin said.

"It has become a policy of me and the deputy minister (to tighten the requirements for corrupters` jail sentences) and we will stick to it until there is a more explicit legal provision," Amir said here on Monday.

He said the policy had actually already been applied to a particular category of prisoners and now it was also applied to corruption convicts.

"If the policy can be applied to terrorists it must also be possible to do it to other special convicts with the exception of collaborators or whistle blowers," he said.

Asked about the reasons used as the basis for the policy, Amir said for the time being it was a ministerial policy.

Meanwhile, Deputy Law and Human Rights Minister Denny Indrayana said after a meeting with the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), how a moratorium on sentence remissions for corrupters could be formalized in a law or government regulation was still being studied.

He admitted however the policy was already been applied except to collaborators or whistle blowers while its formalization in a government regulation or another legislative product was still being studied,

He said jail sentence remissions used to be given to all categories of prisoners who had shown good conduct but now it would not be available to convicted corrupters except if they were collaborators or whistle blowers.

"Their status as collaborators or whistle blowers must be confirmed in a letter from the Victim and Witness Protection Institute (LPSK). Let us wait whether there will be a change in the government regulation or others. What is clear is we believe the tightening of requirements for remission for corrupters is in line with the anti-corruption law and meeting the public`s sense of justice," he said. (*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
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