"The First Lady is in a good condition, still awaiting the presidential doctor`s medical action of removing a gall stone," Julian said.
Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Presidential Spokesman Julian A Pasha said First Lady Ani Yudhoyono was in a good condition and the operation of her gall bladder scheduled at 8 am, but still not been carried out by 10 am.

"The First Lady is in a good condition, still awaiting the presidential doctor`s medical action of removing a gall stone," Julian said at Gatot Subroto Army Hospital in Jakarta Friday morning.

He said further developments will be given by head of the Presidential Doctors` Team Aris Wibudi.

"In the meantime medical action for the First Lady is still being prepared," he said.

But Julian cannot tell when exactly the First Lady will be operated on.

He also said that all members of Ani Yudhoyono`s family including the President himself and his two sons, Agus Harimurti and Edhie Baskoro are already standing ready at the hospital.

Ani Yudhoyono was admitted to the hospital on Thursday (Mar 15) at 10 am for preparations to remove a gall stone.

Head of the Presidential doctor`s team Aris Wibudi has earlier said that the one-hour operation was scheduled at 8 am.

A team of doctors found a gall stone in Ani Yudhoyono during a general check up.

At the end of 2011, Ani Yudhoyono was also admitted at the same hospital (RSPAD) for typhoid fever.(*)

Editor: Heru Purwanto
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