Jambi (ANTARA News) - National deputy police chief (Wakapolri), Commisioner General Police Nanan Sukarna, has asked for a thorough investigation into the case of a torture on a police officer in Pekanbaru, Riau.

"As a member of the police leadership I asked for a thorough investigation into the case of First Brigage Joko, a member of the Pekanbaru resort police command who was almost killed after being tortured by a number of police officers and military personnel," he said here on Friday after installing provincial board members of Perbakin (Indonesian Target Shooting and Hunting Association).

He said whoever the perpetrators were be they from the police or other forces if found violating the law or committing criminal acts must be investigated and punished.

The case of First Brigade Joko has attracted attention because he was almost killed after being tortured by three police officers and four TNI members on November 13 believably in connection with a narcotics network.

Three police officers and a civilian believed to be a local narcotic drug kingpin have been arrested in connection with the case while coordination has been made with the military police for the arrest of four TNI members involved in it.

Joko would be killed because he was considered seeking to uncover the narcotics business network but luckily he was safe.

Joko was found dying by local residents with a number of stab and slice wounds on his chest and thighs on Tuesday morning in a mosque near Kubang Raya on the border between Pekanbaru and Kampar districts.

He is now still under critical condition and medical treatment in a local hospital.

Editor: Priyambodo RH
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