... submitted a letter of resignation today to the executive board of the Democrat Party's city branch in Yogyakarta... "
Yogyakarta (ANTARA News) - Four members of the Democrat Party faction at the Yogyakarta city legislative body have resigned in protest against party deputy chief Sinarbiyat Nujanat`s decision.

The four Democrat Party faction members are Marwoto Hadi, Danang Broto, Eko Kasbiyantoro, and Robert Silvanus Dendeng.

"We have submitted a letter of resignation today to the executive board of the Democrat Party's city branch in Yogyakarta. The letter was received by the branch's second deputy chief Freddie AG," Marwoto said here on Wednesday.

Marwoto said he and the other three Democratic Party faction members resigned because they were disappointed at the party which according to them ignored organizational principles.

"One of the examples is the way by which the Democrat Party's city branch in Yogyakarta held its congress in December 2011. At the meeting the party's articles of association was violated," he said.

He said he had tried to stay with the party for one year and conveyed his aspirations to the executive board of the party's branch.

"Admittedly, we were included in the lineup of the party`s city executive board. But we had never been invited to attend any meeting. Therefore, we felt that we were no longer needed by the party so we decided to resign," he said.

Meanwhile, chief of the party's city executive board Sukedi said the resignation was the political choice of every party member.

"That is their best choice. We could not force our will," he said.


Editor: Ade P Marboen
Copyright © ANTARA 2013