A clash occurred between two groups, one from Rejomulyo and Sumber Rejo Village, and residents from Umbul Alang Village in Mesuji District, on Friday afternoon and continued into Friday evening.Bandarlampung, Lampung (ANTARA News) - Police deployed hundreds of officers to prevent clashes among village residents in District Wayserdang of Mesuji District, Lampung Province, on Friday evening.
Mesuji Police officials here on Saturday noted they added security forces from Tulangbawang Resort Police to assist in maintaining order.
Mesuji Resort Police also sought to avoid clashes by inviting community leaders in the villages to reconcile two disputing parties.
A clash occurred between two groups, one from Rejomulyo and Sumber Rejo Village, and residents from Umbul Alang Village in Mesuji District, on Friday afternoon and continued into Friday evening.
According to information, the clashes damaged a house and also injured a person identified as Maulana of Rejomulyo Village, who is being treated in hospital.
The clashes were triggered by rumors spread among residents after police arrested persons from Umbul Alang who were accused of bullying.
Other rumors claimed that the accused had been beaten by residents of Rejomulyo and Sumber Rejo Village.
On Friday afternoon, according to officials, tens of people from Umbul Walang Village entered Rejomulyo village seeking revenge. While on Friday evening, unknown people also sought confrontations with Umbul Walang residents.
Hundreds of police remain on alert to prevent further clashes in Mesuji.(*)
Editor: Heru Purwanto
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