Every passenger arriving from areas exposed to Ebola cases will be examined."Denpasar, Bali (ANTARA News) - The health office of Bali Province has provided a round-the-clock medical team in Ngurah Rai International Airport to anticipate the possibility of Ebola virus transmission coming from the passengers, an official said here on Monday.
The medical team consists of doctors, nurses, and ambulances, head of the Balis health office Dr. Ketut Suarjaya noted.
"Every passenger arriving from areas exposed to Ebola cases will be examined. If symptoms of the disease are noted, the passengers will be immediately checked by the medics. The suspects will be isolated in rooms that have been prepared at the Sanglah general hospital, he explained.
According to him, the preparedness system is not only for Ebola virus, which is currently endemic in Africa. It has been running since when bird flu, SARS, and Mers-CoV outbreaks had been reported.
So far, no Ebola suspect has been reported in Indonesia.
"The Ministry of Health has urged to raise awareness, as currently Ebola is not only endemic in Africa, but is also found in Arabian countries. Therefore, it is necessary to increase awareness to the hajj and umroh pilgrims," Dr. Suarjaya added.
The health office has also informed people about the disease, in addition to keeping the surveillance officers on the field at all entrances of Bali, including ports.
"Not everyone who enters Bali via airport will be examined. The scanning will be done on only those arrive who from the areas prone to Ebola," he noted.
Suarjaya added that the scanner that has been installed at Ngurah Rai Airport can detect body temperature of a particular virus suffered by a person. The infection is usually indicated by an increase in body temperature. (T.KR-LWA/INE/H-YH/KR-BSR/F001)
Editor: Priyambodo RH
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